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Carpal Tunnel Specialists

Sports Medicine Oregon

Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine located in Tigard, OR & Wilsonville, OR

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and loss of function in your hand and wrist. The skilled orthopedic team at Sports Medicine Oregon in Tigard and Wilsonville, Oregon, offers treatments, including surgery, to relieve pressure on the nerves so the pain resolves and function restores. Call today to have your wrist and hand pain evaluated or use the online tool to schedule an appointment.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Q & A

What is carpal tunnel syndrome? 

When the median nerve that passes through your wrist and hand becomes compressed, you experience carpal tunnel syndrome. Without treatment, this compression can lead to nerve damage and severe complications. 

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

You may experience tingling in your hands or a burning sensation. Often these sensations may radiate through the palm and out toward the tips of the fingers. 

Carpal tunnel may cause shooting sensations that radiate to your thumb and index, middle, and ring fingers, making fine motor skills such as tying a shoe or holding a glass difficult. Tingling and pain can radiate up into your forearm. You may find you frequently drop items. 

Why do some people develop carpal tunnel syndrome?

Women and older adults are at most risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Other risk factors include:

  • Family history of the condition
  • Repetitive movements in your hand or wrist, like typing or painting
  • Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy
  • Prolonged positioning of your hand in extension or extreme flexion

People with chronic conditions like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis are also at increased risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. 

How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?

Conservative treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome may include bracing, physical therapy, and steroid injections. Surgery may be required if these efforts don’t reduce your pain. 

To treat carpal tunnel syndrome, your surgeon performs a standard carpal tunnel release. That involves cutting the tissue causing the compression on the median nerve in your wrist. The surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning you go home the same day to recover. 

Following surgery, expect to have some stiffness, pain, and swelling in your wrist and palm for several days. 

You’ll undergo physical therapy and other rehabilitation to help you regain grip strength and motor skills. Full recovery may take as long as 12 months.

Get the care you need for carpal tunnel syndrome from the experienced team at Sports Medicine Oregon. Call today and speak with a friendly staff member or use the online tool to set up a consultation.