Shoulder Injuries Specialists
Sports Medicine Oregon
Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine located in Tigard, OR & Wilsonville, OR
Millions of Americans injure their shoulders every year and need expert orthopedic treatment. At Sports Medicine Oregon in Tigard and Wilsonville, Oregon, the team of skilled orthopedists diagnoses and treats various shoulder injuries, including rotator cuff tears and dislocations. Their goal is to help you recover quickly and safely so you can return to your regular activities. Call Sports Medicine Oregon today or schedule a consultation online today.
Shoulder Injuries Q&A
What are common shoulder injuries?
Your shoulders are a complex network of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that allow an enormous range of motion. But that range of motion comes at a cost — increased vulnerability to a wide range of acute and repetitive strain injuries.
The Sports Medicine Oregon team diagnoses and treats shoulder injuries, including:
Rotator cuff tears
Your rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tendons that hold your shoulder together and allow you to lift and rotate your arm. Repetitive strain and traumatic injuries can tear these soft tissues, causing significant pain and reduced mobility.
Frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder — also called adhesive capsulitis — develops when the shoulder capsule surrounding the humeral head and glenoid becomes thick, stiff, and tight. Frozen shoulder is incredibly painful and prevents you from moving your shoulder.
Shoulder dislocation occurs when your humeral head moves out of the glenoid socket in your scapula. Your humeral head can shift to the front (anterior), back (posterior), or down (inferior).
SLAP tears
SLAP (Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior) tears affect the cartilage surrounding your shoulder joint (labrum). These injuries can develop from repetitive use or an acute injury.
What should I do if I think I have a shoulder injury?
Whether they’re repetitive-use or acute, shoulder injuries cause shoulder pain, stiffness, instability, and a reduced range of motion. When these symptoms interfere with your daily life, talk to one of the experts at Sports Medicine Oregon.
How are shoulder injuries diagnosed?
After reviewing your symptoms, injury details, and lifestyle factors, the team at Sports Medicine Oregon completes a physical exam. They look for signs of inflammation and deformity and manipulate your arm to gauge how your pain limits your movement.
When necessary, your provider may order X-rays or MRIs to examine the inside of your shoulder in more detail. They may also recommend arthroscopy to see inside the joint.
How are shoulder injuries treated?
Your provider creates a treatment plan to address your specific injury, allowing you to heal quickly and safely while minimizing pain. Your treatment program may include:
- Anti-inflammatory medication
- Immobilization
- Joint injections
- Regenerative medicine
- Integrated physical therapy
- Minimally invasive corrective surgery
- Total joint replacement
Call Sports Medicine Oregon today or make an appointment online today if a shoulder injury keeps you from your regular activities or limits your quality of life.
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